Get Started
Building smarter is not necessarily harder. At BTF we have developed listings of products and services for your next building project. This listing contains advertisements from partners who want to promote environmentally-friendly products and services, as well as listings of items that we have discovered and love.
Services include architects, engineers, consultants and builders with expertise in sustainable building, while product listings include recycled and/or energy-efficient products to reduce the environmental impact, and often also the running costs of your building.
We are seeking to build a community of people who share practical information to encourage more sustainable construction and want to avoid greenwashing and misleading content at all times.
All products and services listed are at the discretion of Build the Future and we withhold the right not to advertise or promote products and services at the sole discretion of the publisher of Build the Future.
We are particularly keen to reject advertising for products or services that appear to be falsely promoted as having environmental value.
We recognise that there is a mountain to climb in heading towards better building practices, and many products will have both environmental benefits and drawbacks. For example, is better to create a plastic pipe with 10% recycled plastic rather than 100% virgin material; but it is even better to create a pipe from 100% recycled plastic.
We want to shine a light on the relative environmental benefit of competing products without losing readers in an avalanche of technical specifications that they may not want.
Build The Future will make its best efforts to check the accuracy of information, but Build the Future and associated entities cannot be held liable for the performance, price, quality or availability of products or services. Promotion and listing of products and services does not represent an endorsement of same.
The information we provide here aims to provide a useful hub of information that will enable you to build for the future.
We want to keep developing this product and service directory so if you have a product or service that you believe should be listed, or would like to provide feedback about this site and its listings, please contact
We want to keep developing this product and service directory so if you have a product or service that you believe should be listed, or would like to provide feedback about this site and its listings, please contact